San Donato Milanese, 07 February 2011- Following the success of the previous editions, Eni also this year takes part, in the role of Special Partner, at the “Los Angeles Film, Fashion and Art Fest” (www.losangelesitalia.com) which will be held in Los Angeles from 20 to 26 February 2011. In this occasion, four movies coming from Eni’s Historical Archive will be played: Oduroh, directed by Gilbert Bovay in 1964, Chilometri 1696: Gasducto del Sur by Valentino Orsini (1967), Oro Nero sul Mar Rosso, directed by Vittorio Gallo in 1964 and Ch4: Lucania, by Giuseppe Ferrara (1966).

 Oduroh, Gilbert Bovay’s 1964 film, tells of a young man’s trip from Accra in Ghana to Milan, with a scholarship to study at Metanopoli. Having finished his studies, Oduroh returns home and puts what he has learned into practice. With penetrating insight, Bovay traces Oduroh’s journey to a world more comfortable than his original life, but one that is full of loneliness and indifference. Afterwards Oduroh comes back  to Accra [, in the Tema oilfield, so in Niassè (Ashanti)] where he rediscovers his family and his ancient traditions which he won’t renounce. Oduroh’s Africa, however, is modernising fast. People from Algiers to Cape Town want to talk to each other in person and Malcolm X addresses a meeting at Accra University. Oduroh participates in that meeting which is on the black condition from America to Africa, from Alabama to Angola. A Bovay’s precious movie, in which is still alive the Muslim black assassinated on February 25, 1965.

 Chilometri 1696: Gasducto del Sur, Valentino Orsini’s 1966 film, traces the Argentine gas pipeline project created by a consortium including Snamprogetti and Saipem. Eni is growing quickly. Increasingly the companies take their skills and technologies across national borders, with the aim of internationalizing, which they soon achieve. The film won the gold medal in 1967 for Best Film in the VII National Review of Film Industry.

 Oro nero sul Mar Rosso, Vittorio Gallo’s 1962 film, provides an overview of activities of the COPE (Compagnie Orientale des Petroli d’Egypte)  highlighting “Mattei’s Formula”, the integration of Italian and Egyptian technicians and workers and their respect for the Muslim faith by building a small mosque in the oil field.

The last film of the festival is CH 4: Lucania, Giuseppe Ferrara’s 1963 film where the director tells how the discovery of methane and the arrival of Eni’s companies to Ferradini, have been a driving force for the development of Basento valley in Basilicata, a region still tied to old traditions.

 The participation of Eni at the “Los Angeles Film, Fashion and Art Fest” is part of the company’s strategy to combine its oil and gas business with high-profile cultural initiatives on an international scale. Eni aims to meet needs and expectations of the communities where it operates, giving the right value to promotion of culture. The company believes that a better knowledge of arts, music and literature can represent an important contribution to growth and development of society.

 Under the motto “Culture of energy, energy of culture”, Eni follows the path paved by its founder Enrico Mattei. Values such as innovation, culture, sustainability, efficiency and partnership are part of Eni’s DNA. The company, during its history, has promoted several events in the fields of culture, arts and music both in Italy and abroad.

 Eni, listed on Milan and New York Stock Exchanges, is one of the world’s most important integrated energy companies operating in more than 70 countries. Every single activity of the company is characterized by a strong commitment to sustainable development: making the most of people, contributing to the development and well-being of the local communities, protecting the environment, investing in the technological innovation and energy efficiency, as well as mitigating the risks of climate change, are the values which brought Eni to play a major role in the energy world.


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